Students are instructed early on in their life about the rigor of college and how important it is to choose a career path. Commonly, they are pushed to take the extra AP class and complete extracurriculars to fit the mold. It is the expected path, touted by parents and guidance counselors alike. However, does this truly set them apart?
As Ivy League acceptance rates drop, the predicted way becomes crowded and score-driven. AP classes might look good on paper, but are they truly unique if everyone’s paper looks the same?
AP classes are so common that they no longer make a students’ application stand out.
The number of AP classes pushed on students varies, but it is highly recommended to take 7 -12 throughout their high school career to show “academic rigor.” Ivy League schools are looking for an application that stands out, but every application examined by their committee will have virtually the same recommended AP course load. Although they recommend APs to show academic dedication and ability, it begs the question, how do they make your student’s application unique? Recently, Harvard dropped the acceptance of AP credits altogether, citing the same issues other Ivy League schools have mentioned: most students starting college are not prepared for higher academia courses, especially since new data is stating that those AP classes are making students work harder, but not necessarily making them more intelligent.
AP credits no longer save money or enrich student education.
Since AP classes are becoming less frequently accepted for college credit and hurting your child’s academic growth, why take them? AP curriculum is so hyper-focused on preparing students for the College Board exam that they stifle creativity and stunt learning in the process. Instead of grasping student interest, the curriculum is overloaded with superficial topic exploration in hopes of padding a college application. The result is thousands of nearly-identical students who are overworked, wasting time and money to be insufficiently prepared for higher-level education.
Giant Leaps Learning: An AP Alternative
At Giant Leaps Learning, we offer an alternative to the standard AP course route for enriching your child’s mind. Our curriculum and coaches encourage out-of-the-box thinking to inspire your child and help them learn how they learn best. They’ll learn how to think critically, research independently, prepare for higher education, and create a vision for their future. Help your child do more than just look good on paper. Let them flourish and grow with Giant Leaps Learning. Contact us today to learn more about our program!